77 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Publish/Subscribe Systems

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    The Desktop Grid offers solutions to overcome several challenges and to answer increasingly needs of scientific computing. Its technology consists mainly in exploiting resources, geographically dispersed, to treat complex applications needing big power of calculation and/or important storage capacity. However, as resources number increases, the need for scalability, self-organisation, dynamic reconfigurations, decentralisation and performance becomes more and more essential. Since such properties are exhibited by P2P systems, the convergence of grid computing and P2P computing seems natural. In this context, this paper evaluates the scalability and performance of P2P tools for discovering and registering services. Three protocols are used for this purpose: Bonjour, Avahi and Free-Pastry. We have studied the behaviour of theses protocols related to two criteria: the elapsed time for registrations services and the needed time to discover new services. Our aim is to analyse these results in order to choose the best protocol we can use in order to create a decentralised middleware for desktop grid

    Towards Sign language recognition system in Human-Computer interactions

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    This paper presents a modeling approach for Sign language recognition which is introduced through a dialogue between deaf people and signing avatar. By this modeling approach, the system can be configurable as the scenario and the vocabulary can be modified or changed. Tow important elements are included to these modeling: the context and the prediction. The objective is to improve the reliability of sign language recognition system compared to the classic systems which generally do not use semantic concept

    A new heuristic for broadcasting in clusters of clusters

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the problem of broadcasting for clus- ter of clusters. The construction of partial minimum spanning trees being NP-complete, several heuristic algorithms have been already formulated. Many of these heuristics (like the heuristic of Kruskal) use the shortest path to connect the components of the tree. They are not relevant in case of forwarding or overlapping communication during a step of the algorithm. In this paper, we study a new heuristic for the minimum broadcasting tree and we evaluate it through simulations with different communication parameters and also through real experimentation over the Grid'5000 testbed

    A Comprehensive Framework for Comparing Textbooks: Insights from the Literature and Experts

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    Textbooks are essential components in the learning process. They assist in achieving educational learning outcomes and developing social and cultural values. However, limited studies provide comprehensive frameworks for comparing textbooks. Most have focused on a specific textbook perspective within a particular discipline. Therefore, this study used a triangulation method to develop a comprehensive framework for textbook comparison. Through a systematic literature review and a two-round Fuzzy Delphi method with 155 textbook experts, a textbook comparison framework with four indicators (structure, content, expectations, and language) was developed. Additionally, some of the developed framework indicators and sub-indicators could be relevant for comparing textbooks in a particular discipline. For example, the page count sub-indicator was proven to be useful for comparing humanities and social science textbooks but not natural science textbooks. The findings of this study could facilitate the process of comparing textbooks, hence promoting the understanding of knowledge design and acquisition in different contexts, such as when comparing textbooks from different countries
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